The session PLANTS MEET ARTIFACTS: DEVELOPING INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO IDENTIFY PLANT PROCESSING AND USE IN ARCHAEOLOGY bring together specialists on the study of different archaeological artefacts (e.g. pottery, ground stone and flint tools), archaeobotanists (plant macro- and microremains), biomolecular archaeologists (organic residue analyses) and experimental archaeology to discuss current approaches to identify plant use in the past.
The oral paper OF PLANTS AND GRINDING STONE TOOLS: PHYTOLITH AND USE-WEAR FUNCTIONAL EVIDENCE FROM EARLY NEOLITHIC LA MARMOTTA (LAKE BRACCIANO, ITALY), was presented by Marta Portillo and colleagues from the IMF-CSIC, CNRS, ReGiraRocs, and the Museo delle Civiltà / Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico “L. Pigorini”.
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