This is the blog of the project "Neo-Innova: The diffusion of Neolithic in the Central-Western Mediterranean: agriculture, technological innovations and radiocarbon dating" (HAR2016-75201-P). This research project focuses on one of the main turning points of human history: the diffusion of Neolithic. Even if it is well established that the Near East was the first focus of the invention of farming, around X-IX milenium BC, the mechanisms and the paths of its spreading in the rest of the Mediterranean are yet to be unfolded. During the last decades, the origin of European Neolithic has been explained as result of a diffusion process through two main axes: a Northern one, crossing central Europe, and a Southern one along the Mediterranean coasts. The current project is aimed to analyse the process of Neolithic diffusion through the Central-Western Mediterranean through analysis of the techniques and tools associated with the crop-harvesting and -processing tools. Analysis of those tools has to be supported by an extensive program of radiocarbon dating and a cross-analysis of the crop-harvesting/14C with the information proceeding from the environmental/ecological, the technological and the cereals consumed.


Carvalho, A. F. (2017)
When the Mediterranean met the Atlantic. A socio-economic view on Early Neolithic communities in central-southern Portugal. 
Quaternary International

Marín, D.; Palomo, A.; Gibaja,  J. f.; Ortega, D.; Alonso, N.; Moya, A. (2017)
Chipped stone tools from the Early Bronze Age settlement of Minferri (2100-1650 cal. BC) (Lleida, Spain).
Raw materials, technology and activities inferred. In: Artisans versus Nobility? Multiple Identities of Elites and Commoners viewed through the lens of crafting from the chalcolitic to Iron ages in Europe and the Mediterranean (Brysbaert, A. Georges, A. Eds).

M. Gurova.
Chipped-stone assemblages from the prehistoric site of Drenovac (Serbia).
The Neolithic in the Middle Morava Valley, 2.  S. Perić (ed.).

Lucarini, G. [ed.] (2016)

The Neolithic from the Sahara to the Southern Mediterranean coast: A review of the most recent research. 
Quaternary International.

N. Mazzucco; J.F. Gibaja; A. Pessina; J.J. Ibáñez (2016)
Reconstructing Harvesting Technologies through the Analysis of Sickle Blades: A Case-Study from Early-Middle Neolithic Sites in Northeastern Italy.
Lithic Technology 

Nielsen, E.H. (2016)
Neolithic copper finds from the Canton of Lucerne (Switzerland).
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt

C. Perlès (2016)
La technologie lithique, de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique.
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française.

C. Perlès (2016)
Food and ornaments: diachronic changes in the exploitation of littoral resources at Franchthi Cave (Greece) during the Upper Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic (39,000-7000 cal BC).
Quaternary International

C. Perlès (2016)
Early Holocene climatic fluctuations and human responses in Greece. 
P. Biehland O. Nieuwenhuyse (eds), Climate and cultural change in Prehistoric Europe and the Near East. 

Remolins, G., Gibaja, J., Allièse, F., Fontanals, M., Martin P., Masclans, A., Mazzucco, N., Mozota, M., Oliva, M., Oms, X., Santos, F., Terradas, X., Subira, M., Llovera, X., (2016)
The Neolithic of La Feixa del Moro (Juberri, Andorra): new data on the first farming communities in the Pyrenees.
Comptes Rendus Palevol

Remolins, G., Gibaja, J., Allièse, F., Duboscq, S., Fontanals, M., Martin P., Masclans, A., Mazzucco, N., Mozota, M., Oliva, M., Oms, X., Santos, F., Terradas, X., Subira, M., Llovera, X., (2016).
La nécropole néolithique de la Feixa del Moro (Juberri, Andorre): examen et nouvelles données.
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française

Santos-Arévalo, F. J. (2016)
Contribution to Nuclear physics for cultural heritage. 
Open book of the Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society

Sureda, P.; Camarós, E.; Cueto, M.; Teira, L.; Albero, D; Bofill, M.; Marin, D.; Masclans, A.; Piconell, Ll.; Revelles, J. (2016)
Surviving on the isle of Formentera (Balearic Islands): Adaptation of economic behaviour by bronze age first settlers to an extreme insular environment.
Journal of archaeological science: Reports. London

Chamizo-Calvo, E.; Santos-Arévalo, F. J.; López-Guitérrez, J. M.; Padilla, S., García-León, M.; Heinemeier, J.; Schnabel, C.; Scognamiglio, G. (2015)
Nuclear instruments; methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms

J.F. Gibaja; N. Mazzucco (2015)
Conociendo la función del utillaje lítico tallado:Veinticinco años de análisis traceológicos aplicados acontextos neolíticos del noreste de la Península Ibérica
Journal of Lithic Studies

Gutiérrez Sáez, C.; Llorente Rodríguez, L.; Martín Lerma, I.; Bashore Acero, Ch. (2015)
La industria ósea del sector 3C de Cova Fosca (Castellón)
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Remolins, G.,(2015)
Estudi i avaluació del potencial arqueològic del municipi de Peramola.
I Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran 

Remolins, G., Miro, C., Creus, L., (2015)
Resultats de l’intervenció arqueològica al Roc de la Guardia, Calvinya.
I Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran 

Santos-Arévalo, F. J., Agulló-García, L.; Diéguez-Ferrari, A.; Gómez-Martínez, I. (2015)
Datación radiocarbónica y arqueología: La experiencia del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (Sevilla).
Menga, Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía

Gassin B., Gibaja  J. F., Allard P., Boucherat T., Claud E., Clemente I.,  Gueret C., Jacquier J, Khedhaier R., Marchand G., Mazzucco N., Palomo A., Perales U., Perrin T., Philibert S., Rodríguez A., Torchy L. (2014)
Late Mesolithic notched blades from Western Europe and North Africa: technological and functional variability. 
International Conference on Use-Wear Analysis, Actes du colloque de Faro.J. Marreiros, N. Bicho, J. F. Gibaja (ed.). 

M. Gurova (2014)
Cereal Polish: Diagnosis, challenge or confusion. 
International Conference on Use-Wear Analysis: Use-Wear 2012. J. Marreiros,  N. Bicho,  J. Gibaja, (eds.).

Gutiérrez Sáez, C.; Martín Lerma, I.; Marín de Espinosa, J.A.; Lomba Maurandi, J. (2014)
Technology and Function of the Chalcolithic Dagger from Cabezos Viejos (Archena, Murcia, Spain)
International Conference on Use-Wear Analysis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Bernhard Weninger, Lee Clare, Fokke Gerritsen, Barbara Horejs, Raiko Krauß, Jörg Linstädter, Rana Özbal, Eelco J. Rohling (2014)
Neolithisation of the Aegean and Southeast Europe during the 6600–6000 calBC period of Rapid Climate Change
Documenta Praehistorica

J. Cardoso; A.F. Carvlaho; J.F. Gibaja (2013)
O sítio do Neolítico Antigo de Cortiçóis Almeirim, Santarém
Revista portuguesa de arqueologia

Carvalho, A.F.; Gibaja, J.F.; Cardoso, J.L. (2013)
Insights into the earliest agriculture of Central Portugal: sickle implements from the Early Neolithic site of Cortiçóis (Santarém).
Comptes Rendus Palevol.

B. Gassin, G. Marchand, E. Claud, C. Gueret, S. Philibert (2013)
Les lames à coche du second Mésolithique : des outils dédiés au travail des plantes ?
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française

Marín de Espinosa Sánchez, J.A.; Martín Lerma, I.; Tarriño Vinagre, A. (2013)
Estudio tecnológico del material lítico tallado procedente del yacimiento calcolítico Casas del Cejo (Lorca, Murcia).
Experimentación en arqueología. Estudio y difusión del pasado, Sèrie Monogràfica del MAC

Lucarini, G. (2013)
Was a transition to food production homogeneous along the circum-Mediterranean littoral? A perspective on the Neolithisation research from the Libyan littoral.
Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment.

Carvalho, A.F., Gibaja, J. F.; Gavilán, B. (2012)
Technologie, typologie et analyses fonctionnelles de l’outillage lithique durant le Néolithique ancien dans la Cueva de Murciélagos de Zuheros (Córdoba, Espagne): réflexions sur la néolithisation du sud de la Péninsule Ibérique. 
Lucarini, G., Mutri, G. (2010)
Site SJ-00- 56: Débitage Analysis and Functional Interpretation of a Later Stone Age Campsite of Jebel Gharbi (Libya).
Human Evolution

Nielsen, E.H. (2009)
Paläolithikum und Mesolithikum in der Zentralschweiz.
Archäologische Schriften Luzern 

Tinner, W., Nielsen, E.H., & Lotter, A.F. (2007)
Mesolithic agriculture in Switzerland? A critical review of the evidence.
Quaternary Science Reviews 

Carvalho, A.F.; Gibaja, J. F. (2005)
Talhe da pedra no Neolítico antigo do Maciço Calcário Estremenho (Portugal): matérias-primas, tecnologia e análise funcional. 
Actas del III Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica : Santander, 5 a 8 de octubre de 2003. Ontañón, R. García-Moncó, C., Arias, P. (Coords.).

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